Kādā jaukā dienā Bekija jautā: "Vai varu tev iekost degunā?"
Protams seko diskusija, ka man sāpēs un kost nevajag, bet viņa apsloa, ka kodīs tik drusku n, ka nesāpēs. Nu labi, atļāvu. Un galu galā viņa nevis iekoda, bet iedeva man buču uz deguna. un smējās, ka mani piemānījusi. :)
Es ķeru šādus mirkļus...
Once Becky asked me: "Can I bite your nose?"
Of course we had a discussion that it is not good to bite and that it will hurt, but she promided that she will bite just litle bit and it won't hurt. So I allowed it to her. And in the end she gave me a kiss on nose, not bite me. and she was laughing that she fooled me. :)
I am catching moments like this....