Hey, hey!
Labākā lieta ir paldies teikšana. Šoreiz saņēmu skaistu un lielu paldies no mammas. Daļu dāvanas jau varēja aplūkot viņas blogā, bet te parādīšu visu... 3 lietas - labas lietas :) Man tagad ir gardas kūkas, tiesa nav ēdamas, bet pēc skata ļoti omulīgas :) Man ļoti patīk cept, šī bilde man ļoti piestāv. Vēl tikai jādodas uz rāmētavu.
The best thing in life is to say thank you for everyone. Now I got huge thank you from my mum. A part of the gift you maybe already saw in my mums blog, but now I will show it all. I got really tasty cupcakes. They are not edible, but looks so delicious :) And as I like to bake so much, it totally suits me. I just need to frame it.
Second part of the gift is a cross stitch kit "Fairy with umbrella" from Ukrainian design Nova Sloboda. There are colored fabric, 5 types of beads, 29 colors, thread for beads and two needles - one for stitching and other for beads. This kit was really nice and well organized, threads are sorted. Third thing is a ruler for fabric, so I could easily calculate which aida is it. And I think it will help to mark the fabric.
Paldies par paldies!
Thank you for thank you!
Labprāt gribētu redzêt procesu šim izšūšanas komplektam, jo loti interesē izšūšana ar pērlītēm, pati gan kam tādam neesmu sanēmusies!
Lai veicas!
Paldies! :)
In English the word we use is "edible", pronounced "ed-ih-bul". Strange word and spelling but English is a strange language!