Jau ļoti ilgu laiku man patīk gatavot smūtijus, agrāk to darīju ar rokas blenderi. Viens blenderis nokausēts, nākamais izrādījās ne tik jaudīgs... tagad iegādājos Russell Hobbs mix and go blenderi. Neko sliktu teikt nevaru, ļoti ērti visu salikt krūzītē, un ir gana jaudīgs, lai pāris sekunžu laikā visu samaltu. Krūze noskrūvējas un var doties uz darbu, pa ceļam dzerot smūtiju! Super bauda pavasarī!
I started to make smoothies very long time ago. I used usual hand blender, but one already ended his life and second one was not so good. I bought Russell Hobbs mix and go blender now and I am very happy with it! It is very easy to use it and its is powerful enough so my smoothie is ready within some seconds. Its is very lovely to walk to the work while I have my smoothie. :)
Viena pavisam vienkārša smūtija recepte: banāns, spināti(var būt gan saldētie, gan svaigie), piens vai sula(veikalā sula protams nav pats veselīgākais, jo tai pievienoti cukuri) un man patīk pievienot parasto plombīra saldējumu.
Mix and go!
One very simple recipe that I love: Banana, Spinach(fresh or frozen), milk or juice(the juice is not healthy part of it, because there are sugar, but I like the taste) and I love to add ice cream without any taste.
Mix and go!